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Code of Conduct

At Comberton, we aim for all pupils to achieve their full potential. The following points are the expectations the school has of pupils and pupils have of each other. Following this code means staff and pupils can work together and all can participate positively and effectively in school life.

All members of the college should be considerate of those around them, become involved in school life and aim to achieve their full potential.

Expectations of pupils to consider others:

  • Speak respectfully and calmly to all people at school; teachers, support staff, pupils andvisitors
  • Speak respectfully and calmly to all people you encounter when on school trips or when representing the school
  • Respond promptly to instructions given by adults
  • Respect the property of other people
  • Respect the school building and school property
  • Do not drop litter; pick it up when asked to
  • Behave sensibly when moving around the school, respecting the safety and well-being of others
  • Behave appropriately when travelling to and from school
  • Wear the correct uniform for school
  • Behave appropriately in lessons

Expectations of pupils to achieve their potential:

  • Complete all classwork to the best ability
  • Listen carefully, and contribute constructively in class
  • Complete independent pieces of work to the highest standard, whether in school or at home
  • Present work well, with thought and care
  • Hand in all work and projects by the set deadline
  • Have all the correct equipment and books needed to work effectively in class
  • Arrive on time at the start of the school day and for all lessons and meetings


There are other documents and policies that relate to some parts of this Code of Conduct. Many of these can be found on the school website e.g. Positive Behaviour Policy, Uniform Policy, Acceptable Use of ICT Policy, Personal Mobile Devices policy, Homework Policy.