The Music School offers all pupils from all years and abilities the opportunity to learn a musical instrument or enjoy extra-curricular activities. The school has developed and grown over many years and currently there are almost 200 pupils learning to play instruments, successfully passing exams and performing in concerts and productions.
We employ our own team of highly skilled instrumental tutors and can offer a wide range of instruments for all pupils to learn.
Please take time to read the information booklet carefully before completing the online application form. The take up of instrument lessons is based on acceptance of the conditions under which lessons are offered.
If an instrument is oversubscribed, you will be placed on a waiting list until a space is available.
For Transition year 6 pupils, a separate mailing will be sent during the Summer Term. Information can also be found here.
All students may try out an activity before committing to it on a weekly basis. Please register your interest using the registration form by clicking on the club’s name in the table below. All students participating in any of the clubs are asked to contribute towards running costs. £10 per child or £12 per family for unlimited clubs per term, payable via ParentPay. You can register for and attend as many different clubs and activities as you wish. Information can be found here.
For more information please contact