A visit by Anthony Browne MP ....
14th June 2021
On Friday 11th June our local MP, Anthony Browne, visited Comberton Village College on a fact finding mission. He spent two hours in school and the main focus of the visit was to find out how schools and their community had been impacted by the pandemic and also to consider the implications for the East West Rail proposal. During the time here he had the chance to tour the school with the Principal, to meet with groups of pupils and also to meet with Trustees from The Cam Academy Trust. As ever, the pupils provided the highlight of the visit, in both explaining their experiences over the last year and asking insightful questions. When Mr Browne asked for questions he was clearly expecting them on the topics on the agenda and these did indeed get discussed. He may have been slightly less expecting the following, which was asked by a year ten pupil: “When the conservatives were seeking re-election they made a manifesto promise to give aid at 0.7% of GDP. Please can you tell me when the current government plan to return to meeting this election manifesto promise that they are currently breaking?” Maybe we have a future Jeremy Paxman in the making