Our Geography curriculum inspires in our pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people. We teach about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. As pupils progress, they gain a greater understanding of the interaction between physical and human processes, and of the formation and use of landscapes and environments.
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Geography is the study of the world in which we live, of places near and far and how they are interconnected with each other and their human, physical and environmental features. It is the study of Earth's landscapes, peoples, places and environments.
You will learn about physical and human geography topics and learn how to undertake a piece of fieldwork enquiry. Students also learn to study maps, photographs and satellite images; they draw diagrams, graphs, sketches and maps and use computer software to investigate the impacts of climate change and hazards mapping. Literacy and numeracy skills are also developed.
AQA Geography GCSE 8035
Throughout the two years students will study six topics across a wide range of geographical themes. These will be taught throughout years 10 and 11, with fieldwork being undertaken in the spring of year 11.
Paper 1: Living with the Physical environment: The challenge of natural hazards (tectonics, volcanology, storms and extreme weather), Physical landscapes in the UK (coasts, rivers) and The living world (ecosystems, rainforests and cold environments).
Paper 2: Living with the Human environment: Urban issues and challenges (population and cities), The changing economic world (development and globalisation), and The challenge of resource management (food, water or energy).
Paper 3:Geographical applications: This paper consists of the Pre-release issue evaluation and Geographical fieldwork enquiry. Students are required to undertake two days of fieldwork. We will carry this out in the Midlands in the Spring of Y11. One physical (investigating how a river changes over its course at Preston Montford) and one human (investigating the impact of regeneration in Birmingham). Fieldwork is assessed in paper 3. The second element is Pre-release material on a geographical issue released 12 weeks before exam. Students are given a booklet and have to undertake a decision making activity. Previous examples have been on building a road through the Peruvian Rainforest and a waste incinerator in Cambridge.
Students will be set past exam questions, consolidation and revision activities and research tasks on a weekly basis for their homework. End of topic tests will be set and evidence of revision is compulsory. Online revision materials and practice tests are also given as homework tasks
Students will sit three exams at the end of the two-year course:
Unit 1 – Living with the physical environment.
1 hour 30 exam, 35% overall grade
Unit 2 – Challenges in the human environment
1 hour 30 exam, 35% overall grade
Unit 3 – Geographical applications
1 hour 15 exam, 30% overall grade
Geography complements a number of other subjects, namely the sciences (biology, chemistry, and physics) and humanities (history and RPE). It also supports maths, further maths and statistics with the work done on field trips. Further study may lead to careers within geographical and environmental study and conservation, business and economics, natural sciences and law. Geography is a subject that is looked upon very highly by higher education institutes and universities.
For students to undertake GCSE Geography they must have a keen interest in the subject. There are no strict requirement to complete this course but pupils and parents should be aware there are six topic areas that they will need to know for papers 1 and 2. If you have any further questions about your son/daughters suitability for the course please contact their geography teacher.
Comberton Learn resources and support
Geographical key word games on Quizlet
GCSE textbooks and revision guides