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Our Ethos

Our ethos is the spirit, the characteristics and the daily interactions between us all. Comberton’s ethos is Caring, Confident and Capable:


Comberton pupils and students care for and serve each other, the school and their wider environment. They understand, value and respect their own and each other’s place in our community. They have a sense of belonging and purpose that enables them to be open-minded and outward facing as they move forward in their life.


Comberton pupils and students are individuals who become confident, creative, interested citizens, with the character, resilience and well-being to make and grasp new opportunities.


Comberton pupils and students follow a broad and balanced curriculum which equips them with the powerful knowledge and skills necessary to express informed opinions, to make safe choices and to live a flourishing life in changing times.

Everyday interactions between staff and pupils, and between pupils and pupils should be steered by three simple expectations which encapsulate our ethos:

  • Many acts of kindness everyday – caring
  • Build-up, don’t put down – confident
  • Try and then try again - capable

These expectations are taught and constantly reinforced through assemblies, tutors, visuals and through everyday interactions across the school.


Children’s rights are embedded in the ethos of our school and are at the core of everything that we do at Comberton Village College. Actions and decisions affecting children are rooted in, reviewed and resolved through rights.