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Open Evening

On this page you can take a virtual tour of the school, hear a brief presentation from myself, see videos of our Head Prefects and get advice from two year 7 pupils and also see short videos from all of the different subject areas in the school. I hope that this “virtual tour” will give you a good feel for life here at Comberton Village College. It may be that you have specific questions that you would like to raise with the college – if this is the case please contact us at and we will answer your questions.

If you would like to visit the school as part of a small group, our school tours dates for 2024-25 are available on the admissions page, don't forget to book your place as these book up fast!  If you would like to attend our School Open Evening, this will be on Thursday 3rd October 2024 from 6-8.00pm.  Booking is not required for this event.

Peter Law




Curriculum maps for each subject can be found here 

Art Department 

Computer Science Department 

Design & Technology and Graphics Department 

Drama Department 

English Department 

Geography Department 

Hospitality and Catering 

History Department 

Maths Department 

Modern Foreign Languages Department 

Music Department 

PE Department 

RPE Department 

Science Department 

Our SEND offer 

The CVC prospectus is here 

The Trust prospectus is here  

The Cam Academy Trust Cabin Policy can be found here